Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Thoughts After Hearing the Election Results

I’m just devastated.
America you have let me down. I thought you were better than that. If you voted for Obama than you too have let me down. You voted for the most unconstitutional president in U.S. history. You have no clue about politics or the role of Government. You helped to ruin my beloved country and for that reason I can never look at you the same. We are on the path to becoming a social
ist country and if you can’t see that you are ignorant and close minded.
You are not entitled to birth control, healthcare, college grants, or anything else! The American dream has to be earned. It is not something that can be given away.
The parallelisms to what Obama is doing here and what Hitler did in Germany are shocking. Obama will join with the U.N. and make guns illegal in this country. Without the 2nd Amendment there is no hope for America. The Government can and WILL tell people what to do. We will become a Police State and people will live in fear of their Government.
The economy will collapse and small businesses will begin to shut down across the country. For all you college students out there, the money you get for school will do you no good when you graduate because we will be in the worst job market ever.
I will sit and watch while my county falls, knowing that there is nothing I can do to stop it from happening. Four more years of Obama will be our undoing. My only goal in life is to get married and have kids and now I fear for their future more than anything else. If you think I’m crazy then look in the mirror and you will see who the real extremist is. The so called Rev. Jeremiah Wright said that God should damn America. Well sorry Rev. Wright but Barack Obama is going to beat Him to it.
God Bless America. We need it now more than ever.

Pre-Election Facebook Status #2

We are only one week away from one of the biggest elections in the history of our country. This election will determine the path our county takes for the next four years. It is the duty of every citizen of this country to vote. Do not listen to the lies that the media throws at you. Go on each of the candidates websites and see how they stand on issues. Do not be an uninformed voter. If you vote uninformed you are a disgrace and a failure of a citizen. Ask yourself what the most important issues for you are and learn how the candidates stand on those issues.
I'm not going to tell you who to vote for but I will share my own views. The most important issues for me are: the protection of life from conception to natural death, the protection of religious freedom, the right to bear arms, the economy, and complete energy independence. I am prolife, l do not believe that contraceptives should be paid for by religious institutions who oppose them, I support concealed carry and oppose all forms of gun control(except for felons), I oppose government intervention in the economy and I believe in capitalism and small businesses, and I'm sick of importing most of our oil and paying nearly $4 per gallon. Barack Obama opposes what I stand for and for that reason I will not vote for him. I will vote for Mitt Romney. America is on the path to becoming a socialist country and I believe that four more years like the last four will bring us even closer to that devastating reality.
Please go out and vote next Tuesday. Don't do so uninformed or misinformed, but do so with a formed conscience. Your vote does matter and the future of this country is in your hands. Make your vote count.

Pre-Election Facebook Status #1

I am a prolife, Catholic, constitutionalist, and I am politically informed. Obama has lied to us. He promised in 2008 that he would reduce the deficit, reduce insurance premiums, and get the economy back on track. He also promised that he would not increase taxes on the middle class yet Obamacare is a tax that will affect everyone. He promised that the healthcare bill would not be a tax and it is!
Gas prices have doubled and unemployment rates are no better now than when he took office. The HHS mandate is a direct violation of the First Amendment and my religious beliefs. I WILL NOT support it.
I hate the UN with a passion and want the U.S. to withdraw from it. The UN is putting pressure on us to remove the 2nd Amendment from our constitution. I will not let my rights be trampled upon and I will defend them with any means necessary. Operation Fast & Furious was intentionally botched by the Obama administration to create leverage for implementing gun control. I fear the Government and the last thing I will do is give up the only thing that ensures my other rights are protected. The 2 Amendment exists solely to protect the citizens of this country from tyrannical government.
Our socialist president may mean well but his policies are not working. Obama has not done anything to deserve another term. The next president will also appoint new judges to the Supreme Court and we cannot let that president be Barack Obama. Four more years of Obama will be the downfall of this country.
I believe that abortion is wrong in all cases and that Planned Parenthood should not receive any federal funding. They are a racist organization and their facilities are most often found in predominantly black neighborhoods. Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race and referred to blacks and other immigrants as "human beings who never should have been born." I will not vote for someone who gives our tax dollars to such a monstrous organization.
I knew from day one that the bombing in Benghazi was carried out by radical Muslims and that it had nothing to do with a YouTube video. It was the anniversary of 9/11! Yet, it took our president 2 weeks before he finally admitted this to be the case. Apparently I'm smarter than our president. Looks like his years spent at Columbia and Harvard didn't do him much good.
As a constitutionalist I also find it very odd and troubling that he will not show us his college records. The U.S. Constitution demands that any president be a natural born U.S. citizen and never claim dual citizenship. College records contain this information and the fact that Obama is withholding this information from us is very upsetting and leads me to believe that he is hiding something. If you honestly think Obama is doing a good job and plan on voting for him next month, I think you are stupid. We are all entitled to our own opinions and that's what mine is. Sorry if I offended anyone but the truth hurts.