Monday, August 13, 2012

Did Dr. Seuss get it Right?

This is a brief informal paper on abortion that I wrote for one of my classes last semester. My professor did not care much for the content but she still gave me an acceptable grade. Enjoy.

“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” These are perhaps some of the best known words in children’s literature. They were written in 1955 by a man named Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss.
            The words of Dr. Seuss are simple, yet convey a powerful message. The convey that from the moment of conception a baby is a person and that he/she is endowed with the same inalienable rights as everyone else.
            The topic of abortion and fetal personhood has created a great political and ethical divide in this county. People identify as either being prochoice or prolife and argue amongst each other about who’s right.
            Well, which side is right? Is the fetus only tissue, or is it a person?
            Often times when a couple finds out they’re pregnant, they rejoice and
tell their family and friends. The news is usually received with joy and words of excitement are exchanged.
            There are also occasions when the woman miscarries and they experience a time of deep sorrow for the loss of their child.
            When the couple does not want the baby however, there is no excitement or joy. The couple is upset and often times decides that abortion is the best option.
            Is abortion really the best option though?
            Adolf Hitler thought that it would be best if he murdered millions of Jews during World War II because he believed that they were not human beings. He thought he was doing the right thing. Does that make his actions justified?
            Each day 3700 abortions are performed on women in this country who believe that they are doing the right thing. Since abortion has been legal in this country over 56 million of them have taken place.      
            Recently, doctors have been able to use 3-D ultrasound images to show facial features, fingers, and toes on a baby during the first trimester of pregnancy. These images show the baby moving around and even mimicking actions that an already born child would do, such as sucking its thumb.
            Bills have been passed in some states banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy because the baby can feel pain. If doctors have proven that babies can feel pain only half way through the pregnancy, than what’s to say that they can’t earlier?
            There’s a common saying that goes, “seeing is believing.” The fetus in the womb certainly looks and acts like its counterparts that have been born! There is also a famous Latin phrase; “cogito ergo sum”, which means “I think, therefore I am”.
            If the child in the womb was incapable of thinking, then how would it know to flinch when it feels pain or stick its finger in its mouth?
            The evidence points overwhelmingly to the belief that the child in the womb is in fact a person. It appears to be a child and even acts like one, although it has never been outside of the womb.
            Abortion truly is the genocide of our time. We would not just sit around and let 3700 live babies be murdered each day, nor did we tolerate the inhumane treatment that Hitler gave to the Jews.
            “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” It’s time that we stand up for the lives of the most defenseless and live by those words.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sex, Love, and the Culture of Death we live in.

Why is the world completely obsessed with sex? Did you ever think that maybe STDs would not exist if people only had sex with one person? After all, how can you spread a sexually transmitted disease if you only have sex with one person? Maybe that’s why you shouldn’t have sex outside of marriage, and perhaps that’s why marriage is supposed to be a lifelong commitment? But of course there’s always “safe sex”. You know, contraceptives. So what if they kill your child, alter your cycle, have numerous health risks such as cancer and infertility, or just put a physical barrier between true love.
 America, and the rest of the world for that matter, is quickly becoming the culture of death. We have turned sex from being a beautiful act of selfless love into an act of selfishness, focusing only on the physical pleasure that we can gain from it.
It is my ultimate goal in life to have a family of my own someday. When I get married I want to be able to say to my spouse that I waited for her and saved myself solely for her because she deserves no less.
A friend of mine was walking on campus when he overheard the conversation of two girls in front of him. One of them said to the other, “I did three guys last night, does that make me a whore?”  The other one replied, “no, it would have be at least four.”
The above dialect is absolutely appalling. It seems that most people in this country have no sense of moral decency.  
There are two parties at fault for this. The first one is the public school teachers. They teach about the “importance” of the so called “safe sex” and educate students about being healthy, but they don’t teach about abstinence or waiting until marriage. Secondly are the parents of the children. They fail miserably because most of them don’t feel comfortable talking to their kids about sex and leave it up to the teachers, believing that they are doing a good job of it.
I can only hope that I do a better job with my own kids if I am blessed enough to have any. I want to home school them so I can teach them the importance of waiting to have sex until they are married and also the importance of treating women with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Chastity and purity are two of the most beautiful things there are. It’s a shame that so many people just throw them away.